Regular Board Meeting - April 19, 2017
GFD Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 2017
2017, the district went over its budget amount by 9% ($51,000.00). The district will be proposing carryover amount (to Apache County) will be $240,000.00. ii. Mr. Jeremy Curtis commented that this was foreseen and this was not avoidable. The district needs to inform the community that the district will need to restrict assistance, due to budget cuts. The county has helped the fire district, in the past, and I’m sure our County Treasurer will support us again. iii. Mr. Joey Apachee questioned why there is a high expense in Professional Services account? Mr. Roanhorse responded that our IT services switched company names and changed their name from “Computer Technology” to “Sunstate Technology Group”. In the process, they didn’t update my email to their software and our bill accumulated. It was unknown that they changed their name. Fire Chief Woodie explained that it took a large portion of the district’s budget and right now, the district is looking for alternative IT services or even cutting some of the services that Sunstate Technology Group provides to the district. When the district signed the contact with Sunstate Technology Group, the district had the funds and it was looking to be $48,000.00 annually. Mr. Apachee expressed that Sunstate Technology Group has one of the largest impacts on the budget and needs to be looked into for alternatives. Mr. Apachee questioned if the County doesn’t support the carry over request, what are your other options? Mr. Roanhorse advise that we can get a loan from the county, with an interest rate, or look for grants. iv. Ms. Sangster expressed that emergencies and apparatus malfunctions are unpredictable. She stated that the fire district does a lot for the community and feels that the district should seek the best available assistance from the county. Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned for approve request to have Apache County’s support to carry GFD’s financial expenditures for the remainder of FY 2017 (July 2016 to June 2017) and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee Voice Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – I; Mr. Jeremy Curtis – I; Mr. Joey Apachee – I. Motion was carried for approval with 3 in favor 0 opposing and 0 Abstain. b. Review discuss and possible action to revisit Ganado Fire District Organization chart. i. Fire Chief Woodie presented the approved Ganado Fire District Organization chart and the proposed updated Ganado Fire District Organization chart. No action taken. Ms. LaVerne Joe became present at the Regular Fire Board meeting at 18:29. 8. REPORTS: a. Review, discuss, and possible action to approve February 2017 Fire Chief District Report. Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned to review and discuss a highlighted report on items 8.a. and 8.b. (February 2017 Fire Chief District Report and February District Budget Report) and was second by Joey Apachee. Fire Chief Dewayne Woodie presented the Fire Chief’s report and gave a highlighted report. No questions. b. Review, discuss, and possible action to approve February 2017 District Budget Report. Administrative Assistant Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse presented the March District Budget report and gave a highlighted report. No questions. Mr. Jeremy Curtis motioned for approval of the February 2017 Fire Chief District Report and February District Budget Report and was second by Mr. Joey Apachee Voice Vote: Ms. Lela Sangster – I; Mr.
Page 2 of 3 Respectfully submitted by Mr. Marcarlo Roanhorse, Administrative Assistant.
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